About me

Hi, there! I am Zhengyan Shi, a third-year undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science and Technology at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I am working as a research assistant at SJTU-ReThinkLab, under the advisory of Prof. Junchi Yan.


I am now interested in the intersection of machine learning and combinatorial optimization (ml4co) field, focusing on new solutions to online scheduling problems. Previouly, I conducted research on computer vision and multimodal learning, specifically on the application of optimal transport algorithms and generative models to graph matching, knowledge distillation, etc. The outcome paper is still under review.



To know me better


I am a fan of R&B and Cantopop, and David Tao and Eason Chan are two of my favorite singers. I love singing (also good at, I think😋), because it makes me relaxed at any time. Also, sharing feelings and tastes about music with friends is enjoyable for me.